Introductory Message・Corporate Philosophy

Introductory Message

Moving ahead with conviction, and with good judgment as our compass

Starting in 1927 as a company that mainly developed inorganic chemicals, we are at present deeply involved in the industries of cutting-edge fields, where we have made significant contributions.

As a company whose responsibilities extend from materials to cutting-edge fields, we must contribute to the prosperity of society in general so that large numbers of people can live peaceful, happy lives. And it is particularly important nowadays, when environmental issues are so very critical, that we continually strive to act responsibly regarding the future of planet Earth.

At ACST-CS our motto is “Reliability and Integrity,” and we serve as the antenna of a vast information network for companies both inside and outside our industry, aiming to make a great leap forward whenever the time is right.

To achieve that goal, we are equipping specialists with the expert knowledge of cutting-edge technologies so that they can fully display their skills.

代表取締役社長 常深 誠
President TSUNEMI Makoto (Center)
managing Director FUJIHARA Toshihiko (Left)
Director OTSUKA Eiko (Right)

Corporate Philosophy

Moving forward in business under our motto of “Reliability and Integrity.”
Making a contribution to the development of society as a whole.

  • Work Philosophy
    Be active and always select the most efficient way of working so that human resources, time, and money are not wasted.
  • Business Philosophy
    We must assume the responsibilities of distributing goods and contribute to the prosperity of our client companies and society as a whole—as the foundation on which the many people who come together in our company can lead peaceful and happy lives.
  • Management Philosophy
    Our goals are: (1) to always engage in work with the spirit of service and according to our motto of “Reliability and Integrity”; (2) to serve as the antenna of a vast information network for companies both inside and outside our industry; and (3) to expand our business when necessary and make the maximum, reasonable profit.