CSR Activity Guidelines
CSR Activity Guidelines
Guided by the corporate motto of “Integrity and Sincerity,” we not only pursue corporate profits but also take responsibility for the impact of our organizational activities on society, contribute to the prosperity of society at large, and strive to be a trusted company.
01. Compliance with Laws, Regulations, Rules, and Internal Regulations and Rules
- The Company shall comply with laws, regulations, rules, and internal company regulations, and thus shall conduct sincere and fair corporate activities with high ethical standards and that do not deviate from social norms.
- The Company shall respect the legitimate intellectual property rights of third parties and shall not intentionally misappropriate or infringe upon such rights.
- The Company shall conduct its business operations in accordance with the rules of the international community and aim for further development as a global enterprise.
02. Respect for Human Rights, Morality, and Individuality
- The Company shall always respect human rights and shall not discriminate on the basis of nationality, race, religion, gender, disease, disability, or any other grounds, nor shall it treat anyone in a discriminatory or harassing manner.
- The Company shall respect the independence and creativity of each employee and foster a corporate culture in which such independence and creativity are fully realized in the conduct of corporate activities.
03. Fair Trade
- The Company shall not use insider information obtained in the course of business for financial gain.
- The Company shall not engage in cooperation or agreements with other companies in the same industry in ways that mutually restrict free corporate activities.
- The Company shall not use its position in a transaction to demand unjustified profits or force the terms of the transaction.
- The Company shall not engage in any conduct that deviates from general business practices with respect to entertainment, hospitality, or the giving and receiving of gifts.
- The Company shall not make illegal political contributions to politicians (including candidates) or political organizations or cooperate in their election campaigns in connection with its corporate activities.
04. Provide Products and Services Useful to Society
- The Company shall contribute to society by providing products and services that are useful to the planet and friendly to the environment.
05. Disclosure of Information to Stakeholders
- The Company shall strive to ensure transparency by fairly disclosing corporate information to all stakeholders, including customers, business partners, employees, and shareholders.
- The Company will set and address issues to improve the satisfaction of all stakeholders, including customers, business partners, employees, and shareholders.
06. Workplace Environment
- The Company shall strive to ensure the health and safety of its employees and maintain and establish a comfortable work environment.
- The Company shall ensure a clean and sanitary work environment with consideration for comfort and efficiency.
- The Company shall take measures to prevent disasters in the event of an emergency and shall always have water, food, and other supplies on hand in the event of an emergency.
07. Antisocial Organizations
- The Company shall maintain a resolute attitude toward antisocial organizations that threaten the order and safety of society and shall not associate with such organizations in any way.
08. Protection of Personal Information
- The Company stipulates policies regarding the handling of personal information and endeavors to keep such information accurate and up-to-date. It takes appropriate security measures against risks such as leakage, falsification, loss, and unauthorized access.
09. Preservation of the Global Environment
- The Company shall strive to reduce the environmental impact of its business activities and offer environmentally friendly products and services to become a company that coexists and prospers alongside the environment and society.